Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 30 minQuestions
import pandas as pd
df_pheno = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenNeuroLab/metasearch/master/docs/data/phenotype_mri.csv')
%save load_pheno.py N # enter the number of the previous command
The following commands were written to file `load_pheno_data.py`:
import pandas as pd
df_pheno = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenNeuroLab/metasearch/master/docs/data/phenotype_mri.csv')
We can confirm that the script ran successfully by checking our environment:
Variable Type Data/Info
df_pheno DataFrame project s<...>[11045 rows x 20 columns]
pd module <module 'pandas' from '/u<...>ages/pandas/__init__.py'>
We can get a quick summary of the data object using one of its data descriptors, dtypes
We can also use the method describe()
Three import components of the dataframe are the raw values, the column labels, and the row labels. This can be accessed using the following attributes respectively:
To obtain subsets of these values we will look at four approaches. Integer based indexing, label based indexing, attribute based indexing, and dictionary based indexing.
The columns can be accessed and used conveniently through the attributes of the dataframe:
df_pheno.age > 50 # returns a pandas series object containing boolean values
An equivalent syntax is to access the columns in the same way as we would access the dictionary in Python.
df_pheno['age'] > 50
This alternative syntax should be used for assigning values to new columns:
df_pheno['age_in_ten_years'] = df_pheno.age + 10
Like the data-descriptors that we saw before when we worked with lists and Path objects from the pathlib package, loc is not a method so does not use parentheses.
loc uses square brackets so that we can index into a dataframe using the explicit labels of the dataframe.
Selecting individual elements
df_pheno.loc[0:8, 'project':'occupation']
df_pheno.head().loc[[True,False,True,True,True], 'age'] # type is changed from dataframe to Series
0 16.77
2 19.09
3 13.73
4 13.37
Name: age, dtype: float64
This would be laborious for more than a few rows. We instead use what is called masking to create a boolean array for indexing the values
over_50s = df_pheno.loc[df_pheno.age>50, 'age']
For those familiar with numpy naming conventions the iloc indexing attribute will seem familiar. It allows us to access the implicit indices of the dataframe, as in the indices that would expect certain values to have based on their location in the dataframe. Once again we can specify rows and columns:
df_pheno.iloc[:5, :5]
The following demonstrates split-apply-combine and joins:
df_id = df_pheno.groupby(df_pheno['participant_id'], as_index = False).count()
df_id = df_id.assign(id = range(1, 1 + len(df_id))).loc[:, ['id', 'participant_id']]
df_pheno.merge(df_id, how = 'left', on = 'participant_id')
Encapsulating Data Analysis
Assume that the following code has been executed:
import pandas df = pandas.read_csv('gapminder_gdp_asia.csv', index_col=0) japan = df.ix['Japan']
- Complete the statements below to obtain the average GDP for Japan across the years reported for the 1980s.
year = 1983 gdp_decade = 'gdpPercap_' + str(year // ____) avg = (japan.ix[gdp_decade + ___] + japan.ix[gdp_decade + ___]) / 2
- Abstract the code above into a single function.
def avg_gdp_in_decade(country, continent, year): df = pd.read_csv('gapminder_gdp_'+___+'.csv',delimiter=',',index_col=0) ____ ____ ____ return avg
- How would you generalize this function if you did not know beforehand which specific years occurred as columns in the data? For instance, what if we also had data from years ending in 1 and 9 for each decade? (Hint: use the columns to filter out the ones that correspond to the decade, instead of enumerating them in the code.)
year = 1983 gdp_decade = 'gdpPercap_' + str(year // 10) avg = (japan.ix[gdp_decade + '2'] + japan.ix[gdp_decade + '7']) / 2
def avg_gdp_in_decade(country, continent, year): df = pd.read_csv('gapminder_gdp_' + continent + '.csv', index_col=0) c = df.ix[country] gdp_decade = 'gdpPercap_' + str(year // 10) avg = (c.ix[gdp_decade + '2'] + c.ix[gdp_decade + '7'])/2 return avg
- We need to loop over the reported years to obtain the average for the relevant ones in the data.
def avg_gdp_in_decade(country, continent, year): df = pd.read_csv('gapminder_gdp_' + continent + '.csv', index_col=0) c = df.ix[country] gdp_decade = 'gdpPercap_' + str(year // 10) total = 0.0 num_years = 0 for yr_header in c.index: # c's index contains reported years if yr_header.startswith(gdp_decade): total = total + c.ix[yr_header] num_years = num_years + 1 return total/num_years
Key Points